As the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same...or do they? Join Andrew Ramlo, VP of Intelligence at rennie, for a retrospective on modeling the trends that have shaped people and places in Canada, BC and this region over the past two decades. On the base of where these trends have brought us and our region to today, Andrew will share some of the emerging trends that will be the focus of discussions, deliberations, and decisions for the coming decades, and how they will shape the region's real estate market.
As VP of rennie's intelligence division, Andrew leads the organization's intel team, providing analytical and strategic support to rennie's developer services, consumer services, and advisory teams and their clients. Andrew has spent more than two decades providing strategic management advice to leading real estate developers, investors, retailers and consumers, as well as many of Canada's municipalities, crown corporations and public agencies as they face rapid change.
In his role as Executive Director of the non-profit Urban Futures Institute, he also conducts research on topics ranging from labour force change and human resource management to community and regional planning. Andrew is an Adjunct Professor at UBCs School of Community and Regional Planning and is the current President of the Planning Institute of British Columbia.