The Citizen-Led Development Showcase

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Name: The Citizen-Led Development Showcase
Date: October 18, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
Event Description:

The Citizen-Led Development Showcase

Small Housing, the leading voice of gentle density housing for BC, and Del-POP, Delta’s proud Strong Towns Local Conversations group and foremost network of residents devoted to making Delta a healthier, happier, and more inclusive city for all, are delighted to invite you to a special event to showcase local citizen-led gentle density housing projects.

We are delighted to be announce that we will be joined on the day by Gracen Johnsen, Senior Specialist, Innovation & Research - Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation and Councillor Dylan Kruger of Delta City, who will both share their insights and expertise into the latest housing developments and trends facing British Columbia, and the role that citizen-led housing initiatives play in addressing the generational housing crisis we face.

We will also be joined by several local citizen-developers, including Kathleen Higgins, Howard Smid and Sarah Gallop, who will provide first-hand, practical insights into the homes that they have developed, including a short neighborhood tour showcasing these homes up close.

For additional information click here.
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