Registration:Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
U40 Members, here's your chance to tour The Charleson by Onni. Full safety gear is required to participate in this tour.
The Charleson will be Onni’s next development to complete in downtown Vancouver. It consists of 83 high end residential units, 133 rental units, a 37 child Daycare Facility owned and operated by The City of Vancouver and 1 CRU. The public art component which captures a large portion of the west side of the building is called Finger Paint commissioned by Elizabeth McIntosh.
Only 20 spots available, so secure your place today. Full safety gear is required. (Hard hat, steel-toe boots, safety vest)
Full safety gear is required. (Hard hat, steel-toe boots, safety vest)
NO REFUNDS. Substitutions are allowed.
In order to have a variety of members on the tour,
we are accepting only two (2) people from the same company. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!