Registration:Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
To begin the day come and join Mayor Braunand the Abbotsford City Council for opening remarks considering the future of Abbotsford.
Joining Mayor Braun will be Mark Neill, Director, Community Planning, Raj Sharma, General Manager, Finance & Corporate Services, Avy Woo, Director, Building and Development Engineering, Dena Kae Beno, Housing & Homelesness Coordinator, Kim O'Sullivan, Economic Development Officer & Nichola Derksen.
The tour includes commentary and walking tours to key locations in Abbotsford such as:
Tour of the Abbotsford Airport (YXX) - Parm Sidhu, General Manager, Abbotsford International Airport will guide us through the expanding airport which is currently undergoing major expansions with the addition of approximately 16,000 sq ft of terminal space. With approximately 215 acres of land immediately available for airside and groundside development, low construction costs, flexible lease terms and competitive lease rates; the future of aerospace is at Abbotsford International Airport.
Tour of Structure Craft - An engineer-led construction firm specializing in timber and hybrid-timber structures which has built and engineered signature structures in North America and Asia for 20 years. Gerald Epp, M. Eng, Struct. Eng, P.E, FIStructe (UK), President of StructureCraft will provide UDI members with an exciting tour of the fascilities and will present the exciting manifacturing of Dowel Laminated the only All Wood mass Timber (DLT), the only All Wood mass timber product in North America.
Tour of Mahogany Project at Mill Lake - Diane Delves, AACI, P.APP. Developer/President & CEO of Quantum Properties, the development firm behind the Mahogany Project will join us on a tour briefing UDI members upon this exceptional new development. Mahogany at Mill Lake sets a higher bar with geothermal heating and cooling, energy efficient glazing and many other environmentally friendly features, it is also the tallest building in all of Abbotsford.
The tour will conclude for a End of Day mixer at Ripples Winery (wine tasting provided)!
To view the detailed itenerary of the tour click here
Register early as space is limited!
A Special Thank You to the City of Abbotsford for Sponsoring This Event:
9:00 am - Abbotsford City Hall
*Pick-up locations available for transportation to City Hall and back
9:00 AM Arrival at Abbotsford City Hall - Light Breakfast 9:50 AM Opening Remarks from Mayor Braun 10:50 AM Depart City Hall - Bus Tour Begins 11:30 AM Lunch (provided) 3:15 PM End of Day Mixer 4:00 PM Depart Abbotsford for King George Skytrain Station with drop-off at Carvolth Exchange