Meet the man behind Bob Rennie's stats and research...
UDI is pleased to welcome our keynote April luncheon speaker: Andrew Ramlo, Vice-President of Market Intelligence of the Rennie Group and Executive Director of the Urban Futures Institute!
With a focus on the dimensions of change—demographic, societal, economic and environmental - Andrew will share his uncanny ability to predict the global landscape and impacts on the real estate industry.
As Vice President of Market Intelligence for the Rennie Group and Executive Director of the Urban Futures Institute, Andrew provides strategic management advice and analysis for leading real estate developers, investors, and retailers as well as many of Canada’s most rapidly changing municipalities, crown corporations, and public agencies. With a focus on the dimensions of change—demographic, societal, economic and environmental—his research and presentations provide the background knowledge for strategies to address the challenges and opportunities that organizations and individuals will face in the years to come.