PRESENTATION SLIDES - November 24, 2015
- Doug Page, BC Housing Policy Branch
- Ed Wilson, Lawson Lundell LLP
- Tony Gioventu, CHOA
- Jim McIntyre, City of Coquitlam
Bill 40 was introduced on October 8, and it includes proposed changes to the Strata Property Act, which could open up a whole new avenue of development opportunities: aging strata complexes.
Previously, a strata corporation needed the unanimous consent of every single owner in order to sell their condominium building or townhouse complex to a developer. With the proposed change -- which could become law as early as the end of the year -- that number would drop from 100% down to 80%, making it easier for owners to dissolve their strata corporations and open the door for redevelopment opportunities.
UDI has assembled an expert panel to help you navigate your way along this unfamiliar path:
*This event qualifies for 1.5 CPD credits from the Law Society of BC*
Doug Page BC Housing Policy Branch - Doug has worked for more than 25 years in various aspects of the housing field, including stints with the Urban Institute in Washington, DC, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, BC’s Treasury Board staff, and with a large private developer and manager of apartment buildings.
He will share how and why the province came about the change and what this means for the province.
Edward Wilson, Lawson Lundell LLP – Ed was the UDI representative on the BC Law Institute Strata Property Law Project Committee that consulted extensively with stakeholders and the provincial government in developing the new legislative changes. He will delve into further detail on the proposed changes and also share the other legal recommendations made by the Committee.
Tony Gioventu, Condominium Home Owners’ Association of BC – With over 25 years of experience in strata property legislation, Tony was also a member of the BC Law Institute Committee. He will share best practices on how to approach strata corporations and bring awareness to the economic and political influences that can come into play.
Jim McIntyre, City of Coquitlam – As the head of Coquitlam’s planning and development team, Jim brings the municipal perspective to the discussion. What are the implications for planning and local governments?