(Greg McCall, City of Vancouver)
(Christian Cianfrone, Morrison Hershfield)
Do you have the thermal bridging blues?
Both the City of Vancouver and the Province have adopted ASHRAE’s 90.1-2010 and Canada’s National Energy Code for Buildings 2011, but development industry professionals are finding it confusing and difficult to meet these codes. One of the obstacles for your projects may be thermal bridging. With the myriad of building envelope materials and construction processes, how can developers effectively reduce or eliminate the hidden heat-loss paths on exterior building walls?
The new Building Envelope Thermal Bridging Guide aims to ease the process. It helps calculate thermal performance for common building envelope assemblies and details for mid and high-rise construction. The guide includes procedures and a handy catalogue that gives designers quick and straightforward access to information, and provides data on how overall geometry and materials affect thermal performance.
But the Guide itself is also pretty comprehensive (600 pages!) so UDI has organized a Coles Notes Version – a two-hour seminar just for developers, with specific attention to thermal bridging in multi-unit residential buildings, how it can be mitigated, how and when it applies in building codes, and how it fits into the context of whole building energy performance.
Greg McCall, Energy Policy Specialist, City of Vancouver
Greg is responsible for energy policy development, implementation and enforcement for new and existing buildings within the city. He will explain how the City will implement this Guide for new construction projects.
Christian Cianfrone, Principal and Building Energy Practice Lead, Morrison Hershfield
As one of the Guide’s main authors, Christian will provide examples of improved design and construction processes and new technologies to help your projects meet energy performance requirements.
We hope all key design and development team members will join us for this informative session!