UDI Vancouver Lunch - Guidelines on Community Amenity Contributions
Name:UDI Vancouver Lunch - Guidelines on Community Amenity Contributions
Date:April 23, 2014
Time:11:30 AM - 1:30 PM PDT
Registration:Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
Due to scheduling, Minister Coralee Oakes will not be able to address the UDI membership on April 23.
In its place, the BC Government would like to present its recently completed Municipal Guidelines on Community Amenity Contributions(CACs). This is the first time the provincial government has publicly provided guidance on the critical issue of CACs.
We strongly encourage members to attend to hear directly from the provincial government on their policy on CACs. They have come up with a strong set of Guidelines to provide clarity, certainty and accountability. The Guide also addresses the impact of CACs on affordability and their legal implications.
UDI has been working on this issue for several years, so it is important that Members come and hear about the Government’s approach and pose your questions.
We have assembled a distinguished panel that includes:
Lois-Leah Goodwin – Executive Director, Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. Lois-Leah is the government’s representative responsible for the development of the Guide.
Alan Osborne – Osborne Consulting and the former Executive Director, Ministry of Community Services. Alan wrote the Guidelines.
Tsur Somerville – Director, UBC Centre for Urban Economics and Real Estate and a UBC Associate Professor. Tsur was a consultant to the Guide.