The Province of British Columbia recently launched the CleanBC Better Homes New Construction Program. Join this one-hour webinar to learn more about how you can access rebates of up to $15,000 for the construction of new, high-performance electric homes.
The program is being delivered in association with the Province's CleanBC plan and supports the adoption of BC Energy Step Code. The presentation will include an overview of this new rebate program, as well as provide information on what it's like to work with an energy advisor to model and optimize the construction of high-performance buildings.
Laura De Carolis, Senior Energy Efficiency Coordinator ? Residential, BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
Laura is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM) with experience delivering climate change mitigation and carbon sequestration programs in the building and forestry sectors. Laura is currently the Senior Energy Efficiency Coordinator - Residential with the Energy Efficiency Branch in the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, where she works on the design and delivery of energy efficiency programs for the residential sector.
Cristi May Sacht, Certified Energy Advisor, Director, Elemental Energy Advisors Ltd.
Cristi May Sacht brings over 13 years of building science, energy efficiency program facilitation, air leakage testing and integrated design process experience, to each of her projects. Cristi is currently the Director of Elemental Energy Advisors Ltd, an Energy Advisor and a part time High Performance Building Instructor for BCITs Zero Energy Buildings Division. Cristi has been actively educating municipalities, builders, developers, trades and owner builders on navigating the nuances of house as a system, high performance airtight construction and now the BC Energy Code. Her passion for efficiency comes to her naturally, along with a positive energy to share, educate and enlighten on the topic.
Jonathan Meads – Vice President, StreetSide Developments (Moderator)
Jonathan is Vice President of StreetSide, part of the Qualico Group. StreetSide builds row homes, townhomes, condos and mixed use projects. Jonathan has been in his new role for 1 year, overseeing all facets of the company; after 2+ years as Senior Development Manager, where, as well as looking after projects he was on a corporate team advancing a nationwide sustainability strategy. He joined StreetSide after 11 years with Concert as Development & Sustainability Manager. He has worked in both Canada and the UK, with experience in wood, concrete and steel residential and commercial construction. Jonathan has a Diploma in Building Studies, a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Building Surveying, he is a Chartered Surveyor and holds his LEED AP designation. Jonathan has been a member of various UDI Committees and remains engaged with BC Housing and other government bodies. He is passionate about building better buildings.