The impacts of climate change are undeniable. Join us for a review and discussion on the new Roadmap to 2030 and learn about the changes that are coming as a result of this roadmap and what the process, support, and incentives might be for new and existing developments.
Key Topics of Discussion:
- Building Electrification
- Options on how to reduce GHG
- Changes and Code Updates
Oscar Ceron is a Sr. Program Manager at BC Hydro in the Conservation and Energy Management group. Currently, he assists the Provincial Government - Ministry of Energy Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, to manage the Custom, Custom Lite, Express Retrofit and Commercial New Construction programs which are part of the CleanBC Better Buildings portfolio. During his 14 years at BC Hydro, Oscar has managed various Demand Side Management Programs in the Commercial and Residential Sectors.
Nat Gosman is Executive Director of the Built Environment Branch at the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation. Nat’s team is responsible for policies and programs that advance energy efficient, low-carbon technologies and practices in the built environment through R&D, incentives and standards. This portfolio includes the CleanBC Building Innovation Fund, CleanBC Better Homes and Better Buildings Program and Energy Efficiency Standards Regulation. The Built Environment Branch is highly collaborative, working with partners at all levels of government to develop and implement initiatives that improve energy efficiency, decarbonize energy use, and foster economic development in BC’s building sector and communities.
Jun’ichi Jensen is the Acting Executive Director with the Province of BC’s Building and Safety Standards Branch. Before joining the branch, Jun’ichi worked as a carpenter and project manager. Since joining the branch in 2008, Jun’ichi has worked on a several significant building code projects, such as daycare facilities, windows, and six-storey wood, and the development and adoption of the 2012 and 2018 BC Codes. Jun’ichi also participates in the development of model National Codes and the adoption of regulations under the BC Safety Standards Act. As Acting Executive Director, he provides leadership and strategic direction to support a range of key government priorities through building standards and technical safety systems.
Robyn Wark, MRM, MCIP is Manager of Advanced Demand Side Management Strategies at BC Hydro. The group works with industry and government to develop long-term market transformation roadmaps (eg net zero new construction, building electrification, demand response), and then partners with industry and government in implementing them. Prior to that, Robyn was the team lead for BC Hydro’s Sustainable Communities program for a decade, working as a leading strategist and coach on low carbon communities. Robyn is Co-Vice-Chair of the BC Energy Step Code Council, a member of the Leadership Council of the BC Building to Electrification Coalition, a board member for the Community Energy Association, and a Mentor for Women4Climate. She has taught at Royal Roads University and BCIT. Outside work, she coaches her 2 sons’ unruly soccer teams – which is by far her most challenging job to date.
MODERATOR: Jonathan Meads has been Vice President of StreetSide, part of the Qualico Group for two years. StreetSide builds row homes, townhomes, condos and mixed use projects. Previously Jonathan was Senior Development Manager for 2+ years, after 11 years with Concert Properties. He has worked in both Canada and the UK, with experience in wood, concrete and steel residential and commercial construction. Jonathan has a Diploma in Building Studies, a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Building Surveying, he is a Chartered Surveyor and holds his LEED AP designation. Jonathan has been a member of various UDI Committees and remains engaged with BC Housing and other government bodies. He is passionate about building better buildings.