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In the midst of uncertainty during COVID-19, new rules and regulations are being introduced to support both renters and landlords.
As part of the province’s $5 billion action plan, the BC Temporary Rental Supplement Program (BC-TRS) gives tenants and landlords temporary support towards rent payments for renters impacted by COVID-19.
Join our expert panel on April 24 as they discuss the BC-TRS Program and what it means for tenants and landlords. In addition, what other support is available? The expert panel of public and private sector representatives will discuss and explain the following topics:
- TRS Program overview
- Eligibility
- Application process (for tenants and landlords)
- Purpose-built rental
- Amendments around eviction and eviction restriction
- The Post COVID-19 situation and what it means for rental housing

Featured Panel:
- Sara Goldvine, VP of Communications – BC Housing
- David Hutniak, CEO – Landlord BC
- Greg Steves, Assistant Deputy Minister - Office of Housing and Construction Standards, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Anne McMullin, President & CEO - Urban Development Institute (moderator)
Sara Goldvine, Vice-President of Communications
Sara brings broad experience from the public, non-profit, and private sectors to her role as VP Communications with BC Housing. She has a track record of effecting meaningful change in purpose-driven organizations through leadership roles with Coast Capital Savings, TVO, Toronto Community Housing, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and the B.C. Legislature.
Outside of work, Sara serves on the Board of Governors for the Business Council of B.C. and the Board of Directors for the Cedar Cottage Food Network. She holds an Accredited in Public Relations (APR) designation from the Canadian Public Relations Society, has a Master of Communications Management from McMaster University, and a Bachelor of Arts, Political Science from the University of British Columbia (Honours).
Greg Steves , Assistant Deputy Minister - Office of Housing and Construction Standards
Greg Steves joined the Office of Housing and Construction Standards in 2000 and was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister in June of 2016. He oversees the area of government responsible for building codes and standards, affordable housing policy and programs, and education and dispute resolution services for landlords and tenants.
Greg completed his graduate studies in City Planning at the University of Manitoba. He also has a Bachelor of Arts (Geography) and Certificate in Urban Studies, both from Simon Fraser University. Greg has also studied real estate at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia.
Under Greg’s leadership the Office of Housing of Construction Standards launched Homes for BC: A 30-Point Action Plan for Housing Affordability in 2018 including a historic tenyear $7 Billion investment in housing affordability. Under his leadership the office developed and launched the BC Energy Step Code providing a roadmap to net zero energy ready buildings by 2032 and will be the first jurisdiction in Canada to adopt building codes for mid-rise encapsulated mass timber construction later this year.
Greg is the past President of the Real Estate Institute of BC, having served on the Board of Governors from 2014-2018.
Anne McMullin, President and CEO - Urban Development Institute (moderator)
Anne McMullin is the President and CEO of the Urban Development Institute (UDI) – the leading voice for the development industry in BC. Anne joined UDI in 2012 following a career path which has incorporated extensive experience in Public Affairs and Community Engagement over a span of more than 20 years.
Previous to her role at UDI, Anne was the President and General Manager of the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. Prior to that she was Director of Communications at Port Metro Vancouver, President of the BC Salmon Farmers’ Association, a reporter for Global TV in Vancouver, and a reporter and broadcaster for Mountain FM in Squamish. Anne is a Board Member with UBC Properties Trust, a Trustee with the Jack Webster Foundation Excellence in Journalism and is a volunteer with many other community organizations. Previously Anne was a Board Member with BC’s Knowledge Network, Vice Chair of Field Hockey Canada and President of the West Vancouver Field Hockey Club.
Anne studied political science at the University of British Columbia, and holds a journalism diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). In 2017 Anne received the BCIT Distinguished Alumni award.