Erin Rennie, RPP, MCIP
Erin Rennie is a Senior Planner at Metro Vancouver working with the Growth Management and Transportation team within the Regional Planning and Housing Services Department. She is also the Metro 2050 Project Manager, working with a cross-sectional team of planners to update the regional growth strategy for Metro Vancouver. Her policy portfolio includes Urban Centres, Complete Communities, Transit-Oriented Development, Health and the Built Environment, and Social Equity in Planning. She graduated from UBC with a Masters of Community and Regional Planning in 2015.
James Stiver, RPP, MCIP
James Stiver is Metro Vancouver’s Manager of Growth Management and Transportation within the Regional Planning and Housing Services Department. He has been a planner and city builder for over 25 years in public and private practice, and holds degrees in Urban and Regional Planning and Local Economic Development. He is primarily responsible for the implementation and administration of Metro 2040, the regional growth strategy, as well as policy research and data analytics in the areas of transportation, housing, industrial lands, social equity, environmental and climate resilience, and building complete communities.
Eve Hou, RPP, MCIP
Eve Hou is manager of policy development at TransLink. Her team is responsible for corporate policy initiatives, ranging from transit fares to washroom policy, as well as regional policy work, including contributing to the development of Transport 2050 – the region’s 30 year strategy for transportation. Eve brings to Transport 2050 her past experience as a project manager on TransLink’s New Mobility team and over a decade of experience as a climate change planner with Metro Vancouver. Eve is a registered professional planner. She holds a Master’s degree in Planning and a Bachelor’s’ degree in Economics, both from UBC. She lives North Vancouver with her husband and two kids.
Matt Craig, RPP MCIP – Manager, TransLink System Planning. (He/Him/His)
Matt has been a transportation planner for over 15 years, and is currently Manager of TransLink’s multimodal Transportation & Land Use Planning team. He’s been involved in nearly all aspects of our field, from detailed transit service planning to regional strategy development. Matt lives in a transit-oriented community in Vancouver with his wife, two kids, and pandemic puppy.