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Join Anne McMullin as she queries industry experts on how our local housing economy may emerge from its current shutdown, and what signs they’re looking for on the road to recovery.
George Wong, Principal of Magnum Projects will open the conversation with his overview of the market and offer his thoughts on the demand that exists for BC real estate. It’s long been an attractive place to live and work in, but what could international investment look like post-pandemic?
Daryl Simpson, EVP of Bosa Properties will share his thoughts on the indicators of a market-return, and his perspective of the year ahead of us in the Metro Vancouver market.

Featured Panel:
- Daryl Simpson, Executive Vice President - Bosa Properties
- George Wong, Principal - Magnum Projects
- Anne McMullin, President & CEO, Urban Development Institute
Daryl Simpson, EVP - Bosa Properties
Daryl Simpson is a veteran of the Metro Vancouver real estate industry. Since joining the industry in 1993, Daryl has been responsible for some of the industry’s most notable developments and most memorable campaigns. As Executive Vice President of the Bosa Family Companies, Daryl oversees sales, marketing and customer experiences for both Bosa Properties and BlueSky Properties. Throughout his over two decades with the company, he has played a pivotal role in assisting with the growth of one of Canada’s most respected, privately-owned brands, through numerous downturns and market fluctuations. Daryl currently holds an Executive Board position with the UDI, and sits on the board of the Hecht Foundation, and Equitable Real Estate Investment Corp.
George Wong, Principal - Magnum Projects
George Wong of Magnum Projects has been engaged in real estate project marketing and sales in Vancouver since 1991. Over the past 30 years in the industry, he has experienced several significant cycles in the market, including the global financial crisis of 2008/2009, and has consistently emerged stronger and more resilient. George firmly believes every challenge holds even more incredible opportunities, and with his guidance, has propelled Magnum Projects to ascend to and maintain its leadership position over the last 10 years.
Anne McMullin, President and CEO - Urban Development Institute (moderator)
Anne McMullin is the President and CEO of the Urban Development Institute (UDI) - the leading voice for the development industry in BC. Anne joined UDI in 2012 following a career path which has incorporated extensive experience in Public Affairs and Community Engagement over a span of more than 20 years.
Previous to her role at UDI, Anne was the President and General Manager of the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. Prior to that she was Director of Communications at Port Metro Vancouver, President of the BC Salmon Farmers' Association, a reporter for Global TV in Vancouver, and a reporter and broadcaster for Mountain FM in Squamish. Anne is a Board Member with UBC Properties Trust, a Trustee with the Jack Webster Foundation Excellence in Journalism and is a volunteer with many other community organizations. Previously Anne was a Board Member with BC's Knowledge Network, Vice Chair of Field Hockey Canada and President of the West Vancouver Field Hockey Club.
Anne studied political science at the University of British Columbia, and holds a journalism diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). In 2017 Anne received the BCIT Distinguished Alumni award.