- A new soil relocation notification process;
- Remediation contractor issues;
- Soil testing requirements;
- Rules for high volume receiving sites; and
- Soil vapour investigation for soil relocation.
The panelists will discuss the changes being proposed and the implications for soil relocation practices as part of the development process.
Have a question you want addressed by our panelists? Please let us know!
Questions can be sent to vyu@udi.org in advance of the session.
Andrew Sorensen, Principal Senior Engineer - Thurber Engineering
Andrew is a Principal Senior Engineer with Thurber Engineering and is the lead for their environmental services in BC. He has over 20 years of experience in environmental site assessment and remediation projects, a large proportion of which were for land transaction and developments. He is a long-standing Contaminated Sites Approved Professional and has helped his clients obtain environmental certifications, permit releases, and Ministry approvals for individual land parcels as well as for numerous large, complex multi-phase developments. Andrew regularly provides advice to clients regarding relocation of contaminated and non-contaminated soil in the context of the current regulations and the upcoming new framework. He participated in the Ministry’s working groups for the Soil Relocation Amendments and has also provided direct input to the Ministry in his capacity as a CSAP Society Board member.
Raminder Grewal, President - Keystone Environmental Ltd.
Raminder is the President of Keystone Environmental Ltd. and has over 20 years of experience and provides senior level expertise on contaminated sites. He also assists clients in negotiations with local, provincial and federal regulators and approving agencies, conducts public information meetings and provides expert and second opinion services. Mr. Grewal was appointed to the Roster of Approved Professional under the provisions of the BC Environment Management Act in the capacity of a Standards Assessment Specialist in 2009.
Luke Dineley, Partner - BLG
Luke is a Partner in the disputes group of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP. His robust practice centres on civil litigation, focusing on a variety of related matters, including insurance and tort law and environmental law. In the area of environmental law, he represents and advises clients in a wide variety of contaminated site issues relating to both commercial and residential properties. He also provides legal advice and representation to companies on environmental regulatory compliance, emergency spill responses and environmental prosecutions. Luke also frequently counsels clients on municipal and regulatory matters, including expropriation-related matters, municipal disputes, and hearings before regulatory tribunals. He has appeared at all levels of B.C. courts on a wide range of matters, and has been selected by peers for inclusion in the 2022 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada.
Anne Bancroft-Jones (Moderator), Vice President First Nations Relations and Special Projects - Polygon Homes Ltd.
Anne Bancroft-Jones is the Vice-President First Nations Relations and Special Projects for Polygon Homes Ltd. With over 30 years of real estate and development experience, she has a M.Sc. in Business Administration (Urban Land Economics), is a LEED 2.0 accredited professional and a member of the Canadian Institute of Planners. Anne began her career as a commercial appraiser, has lectured at the UBC Sauder School of Business and held senior positions in the private and public sector. She has considerable board experience and was a Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy appointee (Industry Representative) on the Contaminated Sites Approved Professional Society board of directors. Since 2014, Anne has been a member of UDI’s Contaminated Sites Committee.